It can be hard to know how to respond when a child “acts out.” Luckily there are effective ways that parents and caregivers can respond when a child is yelling, screaming, hitting, kicking, biting or breaking things.

For Help Right Away

If you have an immediate concern about your child’s behavior, these hotlines can offer help:

  • 패밀리 트리 24시간 육아 상담전화
    메릴랜드 내 무료 및 기밀 지원, 조언, 지역사회 자원을 원하시면 1-800-243-7337로 전화하세요. 패밀리 트리 헬프라인에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.
  • Call 9-8-8
    If you have a concern about child mental health or substance use, call 9-8-8.
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If You Are Concerned About Your Child’s Behavior

If challenging behaviors are happening often, it’s risky to assume that your child will “grow out of it.” Acting early on concerns is the best way to help your child.

Most issues can be resolved with the right approach, but it is usually easier and more effective to do something sooner before a problem gets worse.

A good first step is to talk to your child’s healthcare provider, like their pediatrician or nurse practitioner. Write down your questions, concerns, and some examples; take these to the appointment. Tell the doctor or nurse at the beginning of the appointment that you have concerns about your child’s behavior and development. This sheet can help you prepare for the conversation.

Other Sources of Support

Navigating these behaviors can be difficult for the child and parent. Help is available.

  • 2-1-1로 전화하기
    If you need support, dial 2-1-1. We can help you figure out which program or resource is right for you.
  • Maryland Coalition of Families Peer Support
    The agency can help you navigate behavioral health concerns as a family through its 가족 동료 지원 프로그램. 그들은 가족과 자녀를 지원하는 데 필요한 IEP 및 기타 리소스를 도울 수 있습니다.
  • 아동의 정신 건강 문제 가족 자원 키트
    다운로드하세요 영어 또는 스페인의. 섭식 장애, 주의력 결핍 과잉 행동 장애(ADHD), 불안, 우울증 또는 기타 정신 건강 문제를 포함한 여러 주제에 대한 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다.


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