Are you a senior looking for aging and disability-related resources for yourself or a loved one? Search the 211 resource database, the state’s most comprehensive for essential services.
Find local resources for respite care, senior ride programs, and local Maryland Access Point offices.
Maryland Access Point
What Is MAP?
Maryland Access Point (MAP) offices serve as a single point of entry for seniors and adults (18+) with disabilities, providing information on a wide variety of services.
There are 20 local MAP sites throughout Maryland, offering long-term support services for individuals who need them and community resources.
You’ll get help navigating the complex system of services with individualized counseling. Trained staff can also assess needs and provide resources and referrals to appropriate agencies, and help you create an action plan.
In some states, this support is referred to as an Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC), but in Maryland, it’s known as MAP.
Find Resources
MAP partners with 211 Maryland to provide information quicker and easier. The MAP website is now part of 211. Also, the comprehensive MAP provider network is integrated with the 211 resource database. Search for MAP resources or aging-related support.
211 also answers MAP calls. Call 1-844-MAP-LINK (1-844-627-5465) to talk with a 211 specialist for aging-related needs and support.
You can also sign up for text message alerts, tips and resources related to aging. Text MDAging to 898211.
211 Maryland offers text message alert programs which provide region-specific resource information or provide disaster alerts. Text STOP to the same number to unsubscribe. Full SMS terms at will also apply.

Medical Equipment
If you're a senior or know one in need of durable medical equipment, like a cane or walker, you can get support from the Maryland Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use program. The donated equipment is sanitized, repaired and refurbished.
The Maryland Department of Aging discussed the program on Episode 16 of What's the 211 podcast. Amanda Distefano explained how the program finds the right fit for an individual using occupational and physical therapists. That way, equipment is not too large or too small for person.
You can also donate equipment to the program.
If you need medical equipment or assistive technology temporarily, you can utilize a loan closet throughout the state.
Caring for an adult in public
It can be difficult to provide personal care to an adult in public if a restroom doesn't have adequate facilities. A bathroom may have a diaper changing station, but that won't work for an older child or adult.
A new law requires universal changing facilities in certain public buildings, like a park, recreation center, bus station or airport. They're required for public buildings built after October 1, 2022, and in buildings where a public restroom is added or an existing one is substantially renovated.
It's the facility's responsibility to alert 211 Maryland to the accessible changing table so the public can find them. View a list of universal changing tables in Maryland.

Disability Benefits
Disability claims can be physical and/or mental. Processing some disability benefit applications can take a long time, and you may be eligible for other benefits while waiting. There are programs available for both short-term disabilities (less than one year) and long-term disabilities (one year or longer).
Here are some of the largest programs to help people with disabilities be financially independent. However, other sources of income do exist. Help is sometimes available through organizations designed to help people who have a certain condition or health status. Do not assume that you are not eligible for benefits without first discussing your situation with someone knowledgeable in the field of disability rights.
In addition to Maryland Access Point which helps Marylanders over age 18 with a disability, along with their family and caregivers, there are other resources and disability benefits available to help Marylanders.
Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
TDAP provides limited cash grants monthly to low-income, single disabled adults.
The Temporary Disability Assistance Program is intended for use during short-term disability or while an individual is waiting for approval of a federal disability benefit.
The money can be used for emergency needs such as rent, prescriptions and medical expenses.
If a doctor certifies that the disability is likely to last at least 12 months, the person is also required to apply for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration in order to continue receiving TDAP benefits.
The program is applied for through the Department of Social Services. Click to find your local office.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Social Security administrates Supplemental Security Income (SSI), disability benefits and Medicare.
SSI provides a monthly payment to individuals with low-income and few assets, who are over 65, blind, or disabled.
To be considered for SSI benefits, the disability must be expected to last for at least 12 months.
It’s important to note that someone may still be able to work and receive income from employment while receiving SSI benefits.
Children under the age of 18 who are blind or disabled may also be eligible for SSI.
Call the Social Security Administration at 1.800.772.1213.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
SSDI provides a monthly payment to individuals with a disability that is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death.
Social Security Disability Insurance is also run by the Social Security Administration.
Eligibility for benefits and the amount of benefits are in part determined by the age at which the person became disabled as well as the length of their work history. The Adult Disability Checklist covers the information and documentation that you’ll need to apply for benefits.
To apply for Social Security Disability Insurance, contact the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213.
Social Security Survivor Benefits
The Social Security Administration also administers survivor benefits, including a lump sum death payment for survivors of those insured by Social Security and benefits for children who are under age 18 or disabled and have had one or both parents die.
Local Social Security offices help individuals apply for benefits or file appeals if they’ve been denied benefits. These offices provide information on eligibility and the rights of applicants/recipients.

Social Security Retirement Benefits
Retirement Benefits are a part of a program administered by the Social Security Administration that provides monthly cash payments for people age 62 and older who are fully insured.
Workers may retire at age 62 and receive a reduced benefit or may wait until age 65 and receive a full benefit.
Benefit amounts vary based on several factors. Click here to estimate your benefits.
Apply online for Retirement Benefits or call a local office to discuss your options. For more assistance dial 211.
Caregiver Support
Caregiver Mental Health Support
Nearly one in five adults cares for a senior, ill adult, or child with special needs in the United States.
You may find yourself constantly managing health emergencies, doctor’s appointments, medications and juggling priorities.
211 Maryland is here when you need support with caregiver duties or need to check-in on your own mental health.
Talk to a caring and compassionate person each week to ease your stress and mind. Sign up for 211 Health Check. It’s free and confidential.
Caregiving can be a draining experience. It’s important to remember to take care of yourself too!
Also, there are programs that can help lessen the load for you. From Meals on Wheels to Senior Ride Programs, there are a number of resources available to help seniors and their caregivers.
We also have customized searches for the caregiver resources in the 211 resource database. On the search page, adjust the filters in the left-hand column to find the resources you need.
You can also call 211 to speak to a trained professional.

Respite Care
Respite care can be another source of support. These programs provide a brief period of rest or relief by offering temporary or intermittent care in the home or in community settings/facilities.
Respite care programs can be very valuable, helping to give caregivers time to attend to their own needs with the knowledge that their loved one is being cared for. Oftentimes, respite care is paid for privately, though in some cases, insurance may help to cover the cost.
Additionally, grants and subsidies may be available, and it is important to ask about these when contacting the respite care agency.
Search for Maryland respite care programs and subsidy options. Please note that some respite care programs are focused on assisting people with a certain medical condition, so be sure to read the details to find the most appropriate resources.
MAP, available through 211, can also connect you to local and state resources for caregivers.
Caregiver Training
Training may also be available to provide useful tips and information to caregivers.
Search for caregiver support in your Maryland community. Again, please note that some agencies are focused on assisting those in specific situations and with specific medical conditions, so be sure to read the details.
Caregivers may also find tips from national organizations.
The Caregiver Action Network has a toolbox with videos, resources and tips to help caregivers.
If you are a new caregiver and trying to understand the immediate needs for the individual’s illness, the Family Caregiver Alliance provides information on what to expect for common diagnoses, including Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia and stroke.
Support Groups
Dealing with the stresses of caregiving and the emotional impact of having a loved one with an illness, injury or disability can easily become overwhelming.
It can be very useful to connect with other caregivers who understand the situation and may be dealing with very similar thoughts and emotions.
Local support groups may be available.
The Maryland Family Caregiver Support program also provides counseling and education, information, respite care, assistance and supplemental services.
Call 211 for help.
Report Abuse
If you suspect a senior is being abused, based on warning signs, report the abuse.
Call 1-800-917-7383 within the state of Maryland or reach out to your local Department of Social Services, Adult Protective Services office.
Some grandparents find themselves caring for grandchildren due to a family hardship with the child’s parent. This is referred to as kinship.
Kinship Caregiving
Kinship care is a full-time arrangement where the child lives with a relative, like a grandparent or other family member.
These arrangements can happen informally or formally.
With informal kinship care, legal custody is not required. The grandparent cares for the child due to a serious hardship like an illness, substance use, Active Military Duty, death of parents, incarceration or abandonment.
Kinship care is a good choice for the child, but it may not be the best choice for your family, especially if you’re in retirement.

Kinship Help
While there are many resources for kinship grandparents, it’s not without it’s challenges. It can strain relationships and impact your financial and personal situation.
Kinship navigators can help you navigate these challenges and provide resources.
You will be able to apply for benefits to help with food, child care, health insurance and other financial needs.
Text Support
211 Maryland, in partnership with the Maryland Department of Human Services, also provides text message support for kinship caregivers.
Get encouraging messages of support along with text messages with information on community resources.
Text MDKinCares to 898211 to sign up.
211 Maryland offers text message alert programs which provide region-specific resource information or provide disaster alerts. Text STOP to the same number to unsubscribe. Full SMS terms at will also apply.
Connecting Seniors
Senior Call Check
Maryland’s Department of Aging provides free, automated check-in calls with seniors. The program is called Senior Call Check.
During a regularly scheduled time, a call is placed to the senior. If the individual does not answer, the call will be placed two more times.
If the senior can’t be reached, an alternative person will be contacted. That person is selected at the time of enrollment.
Any Marylander with a landline, who is age 65 or older, can sign up for the free Senior Call Check program.
MDAging Text Message Support
Get notified of the latest alerts, tips and resources related to aging. Sign up for supportive text messages from Maryland Access Point and 211 Maryland.
Text MDAGING to 898-211.
211 Maryland offers text message alert programs which provide region-specific resource information or provide disaster alerts. Text STOP to the same number to unsubscribe. Full SMS terms at will also apply.