여름 방학 동안 아이를 바쁘게 만드는 방법이 궁금하십니까? 귀하의 지역에서 이용할 수 있는 무료 또는 저렴한 레크리에이션 프로그램이 있습니다.  

Many local parks and recreation departments and organizations provide programs and camps to keep children active during the summer in a fun and engaging way.

Find a Maryland summer camp

211 has a database of nearly 200 summer camps and resources. You can search by city or ZIP code, language, and age of the child.

This list includes Parks & Recreation programs, the YMCA and other organizations. The 211 database also includes camp resources like the Baltimore Family Alliance Summer Camp Directory, which has camps in the Baltimore area. You must provide your name and email to download the Baltimore summer camp directory.

You can also search for summer camps and verify the one you chose is licensed, with the 메릴랜드 보건국 캠프 데이터베이스. The Department of Health database allows you to search by camp name, license number or county.

손을 들고 웃는 아이들의 그룹

Enrichment programs

211 also provides a list of youth enrichment programs for the summer. These may include tutoring, educational activities, academic support, and other special programs. Search for enrichment programs in 211's database.

Other supports for children

211 also has resources for children that can help with tutoring or mentoring. We also have searches for public schools. Check with your local school district to see if they have a summer program or summer school.

You can also always call 2-1-1 for help finding a summer camp or program.

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여름 동안 학령기 어린이를 위한 음식 

Many school districts offer healthy meals for children during the summer as an extension of the services offered during the school year. You don't need to register or provide identification to receive the food for children 18 and under. 

The programs are typically at the library, school, faith-based organization, recreation center or another community partner.

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Summer EBT

Starting this year, there will also be a Summer EBT program to reduce summer hunger. It will provide $40 per month in federally funded grocery benefits for each child. Most Maryland families will be automatically enrolled. You don't have to do anything if your child(ren) receives free or reduced-price school meals or the child(ren) is enrolled in SNAP or TCA. Money will help feed children in June, July, and August. Learn more about Summer EBT in Maryland.

School aged children getting free lunch

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