To contact for general inquires, fill out the form below or email us at:
*Please include your ZIP code in the email so we can better serve you. We will respond as quickly as possible. If the matter is urgent, visit our get help page or please dial 211.
Having Trouble?
Most phones support dialing 211. If you are having trouble reaching 211, you can call use the following numbers to talk with a 211 call specialist:
Capital Area & S. Maryland: 301-864-7161
Calvert, Charles, Prince George’s, St. Mary’s Counties and the southern 2/3rds of Montgomery County
Central Maryland: 1-800-492-0618
Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Carroll, Harford, and Howard Counties
Eastern Shore: 1-866-231-7101
Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester Counties
Western Maryland: 1-866-411-6803
Allegany, Frederick, Garrett and Washington Counties and the northern 1/3rd of Montgomery County
Contact our Partners
You can reach our office by calling 301-970-9888.
211 Maryland
9770 Patuxent Woods Drive
Suite 334
Columbia, MD 21046