211 Maryland is the state's most comprehensive health and human services Information and Referral System. With over 7,500 resources, individuals with essential needs can get connected to local help 24/7/365.
The Maryland Information Network, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has powered 211 Maryland since 2010.
Find Help in Maryland
211 Maryland can help with food, housing, immigration, utility assistance and much more. There are several ways to get connected and get help from 211.
Here's how to get help:
- Call 2-1-1 and speak with someone who can help identify needs and resources.
- Search for resources by ZIP code and need.
- Get information and resource referrals for top needs like food, housing, employment, child care and more.
Get Connected. Get Help.
211 MD oversees a statewide network of call centers, providing essential connections to Marylanders when they need it most. Callers are automatically routed to their regional call center for assistance.
211 specialists listen, identify all unmet needs, connect callers to resources and follow-up when needed.
Searchable Resource Database
Find essential resources in the most comprehensive unmet needs database in the state.
Ongoing, Supportive Text Messages
Custom English & Spanish text messages inform and inspire on-demand.
211 Health Check
Connect with a caring and compassionate specialist each week. The mental health check-in is free and confidential.
About Our Journey
While work began in the 1960’s to develop a central information and referral resource, it was decades later that 211 became the one-stop connector for health and human services in Maryland.
Baltimore Council of Social Agencies leads the first effort to develop a central information and referral service.
Health and Welfare Council initiates first attempt to create a comprehensive, computer-based health and human services database for Maryland.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designates 211 as the national 3-digit access code for health and human services information and referral.
United Way of Central Maryland (UWCM) convenes 211 Maryland Task Force to prepare and plan for Maryland’s 211 system.
State legislation establishes 211 as the primary information and referral telephone number for health and human services in Maryland.
Four regional call centers (Community Crisis Services, Life Crisis Center, Mental Health Association of Frederick County and United Way of Central Maryland) agree to participate in a two-year Pilot Project.
Incorporation of the “Maryland Information Network, 211 Maryland, Inc.”
211 Maryland achieves 501(c)(3) nonprofit status and begins implementation.
211 Maryland integrates the statewide 1-800 crisis hotline into the 211 system to create 211 Press 1, which is now 988.
State legislation places control of Maryland’s 211 system in 211 MD, Inc.