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We Connect Maryland So It Can Thrive

211 informs, connects and advocates for individuals through partnerships with state and local agencies.

Weekly Mental Health Support

211 Health Check provides weekly, mental health check-ins with a trained professional who cares. This is a first-of-its-kind suicide prevention program.

Location and Language-Specific Push-Alerts

Nearly 200,000 Marylanders receive text messages with information and alerts before, during and after public health and safety emergencies through a partnership with the Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM). This technology also allows users to choose the location(s) for which to receive alerts and the language, with 185 languages available.

Multilingual Services and Support

MD Stop Hate expands multilingual support, making it easier to report hate crimes and connect victims with services. This partnership with the Governor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs also provides resources like English as a Second Language classes and other necessary resources for new Americans and Immigrants.

Senior Support and Assistance

It’s easier to find aging services and resources through Maryland Access Point (MAP) through a partnership between 211 Maryland and the Maryland Department of Aging. MAP provides online resources and a statewide call line.

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What Our Partners Say

Our partnership with Maryland 211 has allowed us to reach folks who prefer text communications for alerts and updates. It compliments our whole community approach to communications.

Jorge Eduardo Castillo, MBA
MD COVID-19 Joint Center, Maryland Emergency Management Agency

The Maryland Department of Aging and 211 Maryland's existing partnership allows both of our agencies to expand our reach and bring information about long-term services and supports to those who need them. This improvement will make our services more readily and conveniently available.

Rona E. Kramer
Secretary, Maryland Department of Aging

With the launching of this new innovative approach (211 Health Check) by 211 Maryland, we have the ability to save lives. This type of partnership is an example of government partnering to help people.

Craig Zucker
Maryland State Senator

211 Maryland is our go-to resource and a great partner for our work with Maryland residents. The COVID pandemic has made 211 Maryland an essential service provider for our organization's provision of up-to-date and accurate information on local resources to aid our residents in their daily life.

Karrima Muhammad
Enterprise Community Development - The Rezility App

NAMI Maryland is honored to work with 211 Maryland as an outreach partner and collaborator. Together, we know we can change the face of mental health for Maryland.

Kate Farinholt, Executive Director
NAMI Maryland, National Alliance on Mental Illness

211 Maryland has shown extraordinary flexibility, leadership, and collaboration when faced with the difficulties imposed by COVID-19. They met every challenge to provide callers with excellent customer service as part of the statewide feeding program.

Bethany Brown, Assistant Chief Division of Administrative Operations
Office of Emergency Operations, Maryland Department of Human Services