Report Hate And Bias Crimes And/Or Incidents And
Connect With Community Resources.
Need to make a report while on the go? Text “MDStopHate” to 898-211 (TXT-211) to file an
incident report using your mobile phone.
211 Maryland offers text message alert programs which provide region-specific resource information or provide disaster alerts. Msg. & data rates may apply and msg. freq. may vary. For Help, text HELP. To opt-out, text STOP to the same number. Full SMS terms at https://211md.org/sms/ will also apply.
How It Works
Live Hotline
Report hate, discrimination or bullying and receive referrals to community resources by dialing
Resource Directory
Access any resource to meet your needs by searching 211 Maryland’s online resource database.
Incident Reporting
Self-report an incident of hate or discrimination in your community quickly and easily.
Hate Crime Vs Hate Incident
What’s the Difference?
Hate Incident
Hate Crime
Expression of hostility or aggression motivated by bias.
Verbal abuse like name calling, degrading language or offensive jokes; Racial or homophobic slurs; Harassment; Bullying or intimidation; Distribution of hate literature
Targeted threat, attempt or damage because of personal characteristics or group membership.
Vandalism, bomb threat, arson, physical attacks, theft, property damage with hate symbols, language, graffiti
Report A Hate Crime Or Hate Incident
Confront and defeat discrimination, hate and violence! You can stop hate by reporting it.
Click below to report on hate acts or bullying that happens in your community.
Or Dial 211
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Thank You To Our Partners
In partnership with the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives and Office of Immigration Affairs, 211 Maryland connects new Americans and Marylanders to critical services and makes it easy to report hate and bias crimes and/or incidents.