Get Help Finding A Job in Maryland
If you're looking for a job, help is available at 32 American Job Centers located throughout the state of Maryland. You can get help with:
- career counseling
- job readiness
- employment leads
- resume creation
- cover letters
- networking support
You can access computers, printers, photocopiers, fax machines, phones and the Internet to enhance your job search..
In addition to helping individuals looking for jobs, the centers can also help businesses.
Maryland Workforce Exchange
If you're receiving unemployment insurance benefits, you may also be familiar with Maryland Workforce Exchange (MWE). You may be required to complete steps with MWE each week as part of unemployment insurance.
Even if you're not receiving benefits, you can utilize MWE services.
MWE allows you to:
- search for jobs - central database for MD job listings
- create a resume
- get education and training
The self-service portal also has an app. Search for MWEJOBS in the Apple iTunes Store or Google Play.
American Job Centers have brick-and-mortar locations and MWE is online.
Find Local Employment Training Programs
If you’re not sure what job is best for your skills, a career counselor can evaluate your aptitude, abilities and interests to help you choose a career or vocation and the training needed to obtain a job in a new industry.
Job training programs can help you sharpen your skills and gain the knowledge you need to land your next job.
To find other job assistance resources, including training programs in communities across Maryland, search the 211 database by need. What help do you need?
- Job Readiness
- Job Search and Placement
- Job Training
- Career Counseling
- Computer Training
- Vocational Assessment
- Work Permits
If you're a veteran, there are also Maryland job training programs focused on veteran needs.
Job training for New Americans
If you're a New American, navigating the sometimes confusing maze of resources can be overwhelming. 211 can help New Americans with a number of health and human services as well as employment opportunities.
You can learn about GED opportunities and registered apprenticeships which are paid jobs that provide training for a skilled craftsperson and classroom instruction. Learn about these programs, which are available in a number of languages.
You can also get information on education and classes for New Americans.
Reentry employment help
If you are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated, community organizations are ready to help you find a job. You can use a Reentry Navigator before, during, or after release to help you find skills training or a job. The navigator can also connect you to community resources. Find a Reentry Navigator near you.
Maryland's American Job Centers can also help.
There are also programs to help connect employees with employers who are willing to give ex-offenders a second chance. Learn about these on 211's comprehensive reentry resource page.
You can also call 2-1-1 for help finding reentry resources and support.

Adult Education And GED® Support
If you don’t have a high school diploma and want to earn one, GED® Testing Service is the only authorized provider for testing in Maryland.
Several local organizations can help with test prep through adult education and literacy programs.
If you lost your job, through no fault of your own, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits until you can find another job. The benefits replace part of your income for a limited time for eligible individuals.
Learn the steps in filing a claim and the weekly claim certification to keep your benefits.
Health Insurance while looking for a job
If you become unemployed, you may need additional financial support while you're looking for a job. You may be eligible for Medicaid, COBRA through your former employer or apply for insurance through Maryland Health Connection, within 60 days of losing your job. Get information about the health insurance programs available to you while looking for a job.
Workers' Compensation
If you are hurt while working, you may be eligible for Workers’ Compensation. If the claim is accepted, the carrier or self-insured employer pays for the medical care. Plus, the worker receives compensation to replace the lost wages partially.
This insurance does not cover all injuries. Workers' compensation covers injuries caused by an “accidental personal injury arising out of and in the course of employment.”
If you are injured, you must report the accident and injury to your employer. Get an employee Workers’ Compensation claim form or file Form C-1 online.
Learn more about the types of claims you can file, the process and how to contact Maryland’s Workers’ Compensation Commission. You can also get answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).