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Welcome to Maryland's new one-stop resource page to help the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated, and their families. Find the information and resources you need and deserve.


Text Reentry to 898-211

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*211 Maryland offers text message alert programs which provide region-specific resource information or provide disaster alerts. Msg. & data rates may apply and msg. freq. may vary. For Help, text HELP. To opt-out, text STOP to the same number. Full SMS terms at will also apply. 

Coming soon: Search Resources!

First-of-its-kind database in Maryland

Department of Public Safety and Corrections

The Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) partnered with 211 Maryland to create a searchable database for incarcerated individuals, ex-offenders, detainees, and other justice-involved citizens and their families. The reentry database will have hundreds of vetted resources from trusted organizations.

Coming this fall, search by ZIP code and type of resource.

This partnership supports our goal to increase public safety and wellness reducing recidivism.

Sign up for text alerts to be the first to know when the database is ready and to connect to resources and support now.

Text Reentry to 898-211.

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Call 2-1-1

Get connected to employment and community resources 24/7/365.

Employment for ex-felons

Maryland organizations stand ready to help ex-felons find a job so they can achieve independence and success for themselves and their families. Some businesses are committed to giving formerly incarcerated individuals a second chance by hiring them.

Learn about the programs available to help the formerly incarcerated.

Reentry Navigator

As part of a prison release program, you may have met a Reentry Navigator. You can reach a Reentry Navigator before, during or after your release.

They can help with information and resources for:

  • employment opportunities
  • job skills
  • career counseling
  • expungement workshops
  • community support

They can also connect you to an American Job Center and its support services.

These navigators are available throughout Maryland. Find a Reentry Navigator near you.

Job training in a warehouse

Maryland's American Job Centers

Help is also available from all of Maryland's American Job Centers. They can provide free assistance with employment-related services such as:

  • career exploration
  • referrals to training programs
  • placement services
  • resume prep
  • job skill workshops
  • work readiness

Find one near you!

Finding a job with a criminal record

In addition to the American Job Centers, the Maryland Workforce Exchange (MWE) can help with the job-related needs of a former prisoner reentering the workforce.

MWE is a central resource for job listings in Maryland, but can also help with these employment services:

Use the MWE tools if you're qualified and "employment ready."  MWE connects employees and employers who want to hire ex-offenders who are looking for a job.

Learn about other job readiness programs on 211's general employment page.

Businesses committed to second chances

Formerly incarcerated individuals can also look for opportunities from businesses that want to offer justice-involved individuals a second chance. This is a list of Second Chance Business Coalition members. Large private-sector firms offer second-chance hiring. Ex-offenders can look to see if any of the businesses have any job opportunities.

In Maryland, this is a list of Second Chance Business Coalition partners.

Return Home Baltimore® also provides a list of job opportunities for returning Baltimore residents.

For employers

There are also programs to help employers interested in hiring formerly incarcerated individuals, such as the Work Opportunity Tax Credit and the federal fidelity bond program for hiring former federal inmates.

Expungement Help

Lawyers can help formerly incarcerated individuals with an expungement. This is a legal proceeding where you request earlier records be sealed or destroyed.

Maryland Legal Aid hosts weekly and monthly clinics across the state to help eligible individuals with various legal issues, including expungement. The clinics are free and staffed by Maryland Legal Aid, pro bono attorneys, paralegals, administrative staff, and law students.  Check for an upcoming clinic in your area. Some of these clinics are focused solely on expungement, and other times, it's a variety of legal issues, of which expungement may be one of them.

Community Support

Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) - All Programs

DPSCS - Community Investment Programs (like Reentry)

211 Reentry Resources (more coming soon!)

Return Home Baltimore

Bridge Center at Adam's House (Prince George's County)


211 Resources and Support

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