How To Check In
Dial 2-1-1
Schedule the day and time for your first call and provide contact information.
Engage with the 211 specialist each week. Get tools and resources to ease your mind and stress.

Thomas Bloom Raskin
You are not alone! Tommy Raskin walked in your shoes too. The 25-year-old is the son of Congressman Jamie Raskin, of Takoma Park and Maryland’s 8th Congressional District. Tommy struggled with depression before taking his own life.
It’s his memory that we honor with the Thomas Bloom Raskin Act/211 Health Check.
The proactive mental health phone support provides a one-on-one connection with a warm, caring specialist trained in suicide prevention and mental health support.
Frequently Asked Questions
What's new with 211 Health Check?
If you’re a current 211 participant and signed up through text, we will no longer text you when it’s time for your check-in. We will automatically call you, making it easier to connect with 211 Health Check.
New participants can now sign up by dialing 211. Press 2 to reach Health Check.
How much does 211 Health Check cost?
211 Health Check is a free service. You do not need insurance and you will not provide your insurance information. There is no commitment and all calls are confidential.
Are Call Specialists Trained Or Certified?
Call center staff are certified and program accredited by the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) and the American Association of Suicidology (AAS). Both are national, professional organizations.
Information and Referral Specialists are also educated and experienced in health and human services resources. They have bachelor’s or master’s degrees in social work, human services, counseling or related fields, plus at least one year of experience.
How Do You Protect My Privacy?
We take privacy seriously. All calls are confidential.
What Happens After The Check-Ins?
The check-ins last until the participant opts out. At that time, the Marylander can re-enroll in the program, begin using the provided resources, and/or sign up for MDMindHealth for ongoing mental health support.
How Can I Let Others Know About 211 Health Check?
Download the 211 Health Check fact sheet and English/Spanish outreach cards.
How Does 211 Maryland Support Mental Health Needs?
With 211 Health Check, 211 Maryland provides tips and resources to ease an individual’s mind of stress and anxiety. The specialist can connect with you free and reduced-cost mental health support.
211 Maryland also supports mental health and essential needs with other programs and services. These include proactive and immediate mental health support.
Proactive support
MDMindHealth/MDSaludMental – Inspirational text messages | Text MDMindHealth to 898-211 or Texto MDSaludMental a 898-211
211: Connections to community resources to help with essential needs to ease stress | Dial 211
211 Health Check – Weekly check-ins | Dial 211
Mental Health Emergency
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline | Call or Text 988